Surprise FREE Sweat Boys ft. The Rain Within single

02/25/19 UPDATE: “You Are My Heart” has been removed. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Sweat Boys feat. The Rain Within-You Are My Heart

For the uninitiated, La Crosse, WI's Sweat Boys are making waves spreading far beyond their hometown. To better familiarize you, we're thrilled to premiere their romantic joint effort with vocalist Andy Deane aka The Rain Within (Negative Gain). The synthpop is strong in this one.


Stream AND DOWNLOAD "You Are My Heart" absolutely FREE now exclusively at:


The first 20 to claim their exclusive download will receive a 4" metallic black "You Are My Heart" balloon.


Sweat Boys-Nervous Prayers coming soon via GIVE/TAKE. #nervousprayers

The Rain Within-Atomic Eyes avail now via Negative Gain. #atomiceyes

Photography: Bob Good 2014

Photography: Bob Good 2014